CAG Recruitment 2021 – Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG), New Delhi has released a draft recruitment notification for the recruitment of 10811 Auditor and Accountant Jobs. CAG has invited comments from the stakeholders on the proposed Recruitment Rules for these posts. As per the notice released on CAG Website, the stakeholders can share their comments through the prescribed format latest by 19 Feb 2021.
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CAG Recruitment 2021 – 10811 Auditor And Accountant Jobs |
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(আবেদন কৰাৰ আগতে অফিচৰ বিজ্ঞাপনটো এবাৰ ভালদৰে পঢ়ি লব । তলত লিংক দিয়া আছে ।)
CAG Recruitment 2021 Details
1. Auditor
No of posts: 6409
Location wise vacancy:
- Andhra Pradesh: 144
- Arunachal Pradesh: 29
- Assam: 106
- Bihar: 180
- Chhattisgarh: 139
- Delhi: 513
- Goa: 29
- Gujarat: 225
- Haryana: 117
- Himachal Pradesh: 97
- Jammu & Kashmir: 132
- Jharkhand: 125
- Karnataka: 242
- Kerala: 208
- Madhya Pradesh: 251
- Maharashtra: 277
- Manipur: 27
- Meghalaya: 26
- Mizoram: 20
- Nagaland: 23
- Odissa: 179
- Punjab: 208
- Rajasthan: 234
- Sikkim: 16
- Tamil Nadu: 306
- Telangana: 220
- Tripura: 34
- Uttrakhand: 70
- Uttar Pradesh: 289
- West Bengal: 430
- Commercial Audit Offices: 486
- Railway Audit Offices: 427
- Defense Audit Offices: 255
- P&T Audit Offices: 303
The scale of pay: Level- 5 (Rs. 29200-92300)
2. Accountant
No of posts: 4402
Location wise vacancy:
- Andhra Pradesh: 120
- Arunachal Pradesh: 24
- Assam: 180
- Bihar: 174
- Chhattisgarh: 102
- Gujarat: 180
- Haryana: 137
- Himachal Pradesh: 120
- Jammu & Kashmir: 150
- Jharkhand: 108
- Karnataka: 246
- Kerala: 384
- Madhya Pradesh: 269
- Maharashtra: 336
- Manipur: 60
- Meghalaya: 54
- Mizoram: 36
- Nagaland: 30
- Odisha: 240
- Punjab: 168
- Rajasthan: 144
- Sikkim: 18
- Tamil Nadu: 288
- Telangana: 132
- Tripura: 54
- Uttrakhand: 90
- Uttar Pradesh: 330
- West Bengal: 228
The scale of pay: Level- 5 (Rs. 29200-92300)
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Eligibility Criteria of CAG Recruitment 2021
Age Limit: 18 to 27 years.
Educational Qualification:
(i) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University.
(ii) Language proficiency for the language specified, and at the level as prescribed and to be tested, for the State in which the vacancies exist and recruitment is to take place, in the office of State Accountants General.
(i) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University.
(ii) Language proficiency for the language specified, and at the level as prescribed and to be tested, for the State in which the vacancies exist and recruitment is to take place, in the office of State Accountants General.
How to Share Comments on CAG Proposed Recruitment Notice?
The comments can be submitted at Shri V S Venkatanathan, Asstt. C &AG (N), O/o the C&AG of India, 9, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi- 110124 latest by 19/02/2021.
Disclaimer: Draft Recruitment Rules to the post of Auditor and Accountant have been uploaded on 20.01.2021 for comments of stakeholders in terms of DoPT OM dated 13.10.2015 and is not intended to be a recruitment notice.
Draft Recruitment Notification: Click Here.
To Apply For More Assam Government Jobs 2021
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